©2001 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 • Questions or comments? Write to us,
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Contents: 36 game pieces (9 each in 4 different
colors) and game board
Each player chooses 9 game pieces of the same color
and places them on the coordinating color triangle of
the game board nearest him.
The object of the game is for each player to move all
his pieces from their starting triangle to the triangle
directly opposite on the game board. The rst player
to successfully move all his pieces to the point
opposite is the winner.
Any player may begin, and play moves to the left in
clockwise rotation, with each player making one move
at a time. A game piece may move in any direction to
an adjacent hole. A player may jump his piece over
another piece, providing there is an empty space
opposite the jumped piece. A player may jump over
more than one piece only if there is an empty space
opposite each token jumped. Players may play as
partners or against each other. No player can refuse
to move out of his starting triangle to prevent another
player from winning.