n Overview
The FTP-628 MCL Series are battery driven high-speed
printers with a 2-inch paper width equivalent.
The FTP-628 MCL Series can be used for a variety of
applications, such as portable terminals, POS, banking
terminals, and measurement and medical equipment.
n highLighTs
• Ultralowprole
Height 21.8 mm, width 81.2 mm, depth 42.2 mm
• Highspeedprinting
It can print at 60 mm/s (480 dotlines/s) maximum by using
Fujitsu's unique head drive control.
• AutoCutter
Full cut type and partial cut type printers are available by
user selection.
• Easypapersetting
Our unique platen release mechanism allows a
wide paper route even if the printer is ultra-compact, so
paper can be easily inserted. Conventional auto loading is
also available.
• Multifunctionaldie-castform
Wide operating temperature range, long continuous
printing, high ESD absorbtion and discharge of static
electricity vibration and shock resistant.
• RoHScompliant
baTTery driveN, FTP-608 series
2” high sPeed TherMaL PriNTer